Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 38

The Cross was where His blood was shed
The Cross was where for your sins He bled
The Cross: There your heart forever turned
The Cross: A place your indebted to and a passion you forever yearn

It's not a mere event that upstaged the world and turned it right side up for the very first time. It's the place where a journey in Christ takes root and it's the place which that journey never leaves or forgets. It's not one you visit once a year. The Cross is alive and kicking every second after you paid your first visit, like when you never leave its foot thereafter.

If your life is not defined by it, you need to set the root back at the foot of the cross. As you do that, think about what it is and what it means today, down to every last detail. What does it really mean to have the cross define your life? What does it mean when that stands true for each step that you take every day? How do you not only celebrate it as an event, notion or a symbolic piece of wood or metal?

Sunil Noronha

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