Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 16

Mark 14:12-16 (Part I)

When I was young, I always read this story as another example of Jesus being omniscient – you know, life Father like Son, a chip off the holy Block. I can understand why I thought this. After all, there are other scenes where Jesus predicts what will happen to him.

As I read this now, however, I don’t think this story is about foreknowledge, but about courage. I think, that is, that there is no miraculous or omniscient vision at work; rather, Jesus made plans. Like you and I might do when we’re traveling, making arrangements to stay at a certain place ahead of time. Jesus can give his disciples explicit directions of where to go, who to meet, and what to expect because he made these arrangements ahead of time.

Why does this matter? Because it means that he was prepared for what was coming. The last meal he shared with his disciples, his confrontation with the authorities, the false trials, mockery, and
crucifixion – these things weren’t accidents that he somehow fell into. Rather, he saw them, was prepared for them, faced them, and endured them

VC John

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