The Cross - I
"A shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land, A home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way, from the burning of the noontide heat, and the burden of the day"
- Elizabeth C Clephane
Indeed, the world we live in is all of those things - a weary land, a wilderness, just a way, the sapping, burning shimmer of noontide heat, a burden every day.
The Cross of Jesus is also indeed all of those things - the shadow of a mighty rock, a home, a rest. The most grisly scene on earth, is still all of those things.
It's probably like that, because the Cross of Jesus is the ultimate answer to intimidation, brute power, cosmic violence, unbridled tide of red evil, the hot breath of hatred, and the purposes of the pit of hell itself. Imagine all of these spent over one frail human body. And one human life - mute, resigned,
resolute. No talking back, no comebacks, no defense, no rationalising, no duplicity, no making it palatable. Nothing. Just mute resignation.
Praveen Deepak
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